// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.graphics; import java.io.*; import org.ibex.js.*; import org.ibex.plat.*; import org.ibex.util.*; /** * The in-memory representation of a PNG or GIF image. It is * read-only. It is usually passed to PixelBuffer.drawPicture() * * Implementations of the Platform class should return objects * supporting this interface from the createPicture() method. These * implementations may choose to implement caching strategies (for * example, using a Pixmap on X11). */ public class Picture { public Picture() { this.stream = null; } public Picture(JS r) { this.stream = r; } private static Cache cache = new Cache(100, true); ///< Picture, keyed by the Stream that loaded them public JS stream = null; ///< the stream we were loaded from public int width = -1; ///< the width of the image public int height = -1; ///< the height of the image public int[] data = null; ///< argb samples public boolean isLoaded = false; ///< true iff the image is fully loaded public Picture(InputStream is) throws IOException { load(this, is); } public static void load(Picture p, InputStream in) throws IOException { PushbackInputStream pbis = new PushbackInputStream(in); int firstByte = pbis.read(); if (firstByte == -1) throw new IOException("empty stream reading image"); pbis.unread(firstByte); if ((firstByte & 0xff) == 'G') GIF.load(pbis, p); else if ((firstByte & 0xff) == 137) PNG.load(pbis, p); else if ((firstByte & 0xff) == 0xff) Platform.decodeJPEG(pbis, p); else throw new IOException("couldn't figure out image type from first byte"); p.loaded(); } /** invoked when an image is fully loaded; subclasses can use this to initialize platform-specific constructs */ protected void loaded() { isLoaded = true; } /** turns a stream into a Picture.Source and passes it to the callback */ public static Picture load(final JS stream, final Callable callback) { if(stream == null) throw new NullPointerException(); Picture ret = (Picture)cache.get(stream); if (ret == null) { ret = Platform.createPicture(stream); if(ret == null) throw new NullPointerException(); cache.put(stream, ret); } final Picture p = ret; if (!ret.isLoaded && callback != null) { new java.lang.Thread() { public void run() { InputStream in = null; try { in = JSU.getInputStream(stream); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error(Picture.class, e); //} catch (JSExn e) { Log.error(Picture.class, e); } if (in == null) { Log.warn(Picture.class, "couldn't load image for stream " + stream.unclone()); return; } try { load(p, in); Platform.Scheduler.add(callback); } catch (Exception e) { Log.info(this, "exception while loading image"); Log.info(this, e); } } }.start(); } return ret; } }