// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.graphics; import org.ibex.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.ibex.js.*; import org.ibex.nestedvm.*; import org.ibex.plat.*; import org.ibex.nestedvm.Runtime; // FEATURE: this could be cleaner /** encapsulates a single font (a set of Glyphs) */ public class Font { private Font(JS stream, int pointsize) { this.stream = stream; this.pointsize = pointsize; } public final int pointsize; ///< the size of the font public final JS stream; ///< the stream from which this font was loaded public int max_ascent; ///< the maximum ascent, in pixels public int max_descent; ///< the maximum descent, in pixels boolean latinCharsPreloaded = false; ///< true if a request to preload ASCII 32-127 has begun public Glyph[] glyphs = new Glyph[65535]; ///< the glyphs that comprise this font public abstract static class Glyph { protected Glyph(Font font, char c) { this.font = font; this.c = c; } public final Font font; public final char c; public int baseline; ///< within the alphamask, this is the y-coordinate of the baseline public int advance; ///< amount to increment the x-coordinate public boolean isLoaded = false; ///< true iff the glyph is loaded public int width = -1; ///< the width of the glyph public int height = -1; ///< the height of the glyph public byte[] data = null; ///< the alpha channel samples for this font public String path = null; // FIXME this should be shared across point sizes void render() { if (!isLoaded) try { renderGlyph(this); } catch (IOException e) { Log.info(Font.class, e); } isLoaded = true; } } // Statics ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static final Queue toBeRasterized = new Queue(300); static final Queue toBeDisplayed = new Queue(300); private static Basket.Map fonts = new Basket.Hash(); public static Font getFont(JS stream, int pointsize) { Basket.Map m = (Basket.Map)fonts.get(stream); Font ret = null; if (m != null) ret = (Font)m.get(new Integer(pointsize)); else fonts.put(stream, m = new Basket.Hash()); if (ret == null) m.put(new Integer(pointsize), ret = new Font(stream, pointsize)); return ret; } // Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Rasterize the glyphs of text. * @returns (width<<32)|height */ public String rasterizeGlyphs(String text) { StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 50); for(int i=0; i>> 32) & 0xffffffff); } public int textheight(String s) { return (int)(textsize(s) & 0xffffffffL); } public long textsize(String s) { Long l = (Long)sizeCache.get(s); if (l != null) return ((Long)l).longValue(); long ret = rasterizeGlyphs(s, null, null, null, null, 0, 0); sizeCache.put(s, new Long(ret)); return ret; } public Glyph getGlyph(char c) { rasterizeGlyphs(c+"", null, null, null, null, 0, 0); Glyph g = glyphs[c]; g.render(); return g; } static { new Thread() { public void run() { while(true) { Glyph g = (Glyph)toBeRasterized.remove(true); if (g == null) continue; Log.debug(Font.class, "glyphRenderingTask rendering " + g.c + " of " + g.font); g.render(); Log.debug(Glyph.class, " done rendering glyph " + g.c); } } }.start(); } // FreeType Interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FEATURE: use streams, not memoryfont's // FEATURE: kerning pairs private static final Runtime rt; private static JS loadedStream; private static int loadedStreamAddr; static { try { rt = (Runtime)Class.forName("org.ibex.util.MIPSApps").newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new Error("Error instantiating freetype: " + e); } rt.start(new String[]{"freetype"}); rt.execute(); rtCheck(); } private static void rtCheck() { if(rt.getState() != Runtime.PAUSED) throw new Error("Freetype exited " + rt.exitStatus()); } private static void loadFontByteStream(JS res) { if(loadedStream == res) return; try { Log.info(Font.class, "loading font " + JSU.str(res)); InputStream is = JSU.getInputStream(res); byte[] fontstream = InputStreamToByteArray.convert(is); rt.free(loadedStreamAddr); loadedStreamAddr = rt.xmalloc(fontstream.length); rt.copyout(fontstream, loadedStreamAddr, fontstream.length); if(rt.call("load_font", loadedStreamAddr, fontstream.length) != 0) throw new RuntimeException("load_font failed"); // FEATURE: better error rtCheck(); loadedStream = res; } catch (Exception e) { // FEATURE: Better error reporting (thow an exception?) Log.info(Font.class, e); } } private static synchronized void renderGlyph(Font.Glyph glyph) throws IOException { try { Log.debug(Font.class, "rasterizing glyph " + glyph.c + " of font " + glyph.font); if (loadedStream != glyph.font.stream) loadFontByteStream(glyph.font.stream); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); rt.call("render",glyph.c,glyph.font.pointsize); rtCheck(); glyph.font.max_ascent = rt.getUserInfo(3); glyph.font.max_descent = rt.getUserInfo(4); glyph.baseline = rt.getUserInfo(5); glyph.advance = rt.getUserInfo(6); glyph.width = rt.getUserInfo(1); glyph.height = rt.getUserInfo(2); glyph.data = new byte[glyph.width * glyph.height]; int addr = rt.getUserInfo(0); rt.copyin(addr, glyph.data, glyph.width * glyph.height); byte[] path = new byte[rt.getUserInfo(8)]; rt.copyin(rt.getUserInfo(7), path, rt.getUserInfo(8)); glyph.path = new String(path); glyph.path += " m " + (64 * glyph.advance) + " 0 "; glyph.isLoaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { // FEATURE: Better error reporting (thow an exception?) Log.info(Font.class, e); } } }