// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.core; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.ibex.js.*; import org.ibex.util.*; /** * Encapsulates a template node (the <template/> element of a * .ibex file, or any child element thereof). * * Note that the Template instance corresponding to the * <template/> node carries all the header information -- hence * some of the instance members are not meaningful on non-root * Template instances. We refer to these non-root instances as * anonymous templates. * * See the Ibex reference for information on the order in which * templates are applied, attributes are put, and scripts are run. */ public class Template { // Instance Members /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String id = null; ///< the id of this box String redirect = null; ///< the id of the redirect target; only meaningful on a root node private JS[] keys; ///< keys to be "put" to instances of this template; elements correspond to those of vals private JS[] vals; ///< values to be "put" to instances of this template; elements correspond to those of keys private String[] urikeys; private String[] urivals; private Vec children = new Vec(); ///< during XML parsing, this holds the list of currently-parsed children; null otherwise private JS script = null; ///< the script on this node Template prev; Template prev2; JS staticObject = null; // Only used during parsing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private StringBuffer content = null; ///< during XML parsing, this holds partially-read character data; null otherwise private int content_start = 0; ///< line number of the first line of content private int startLine = -1; ///< the line number that this element starts on private Ibex ibex; // Static data/methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for non-root nodes private Template(Template t, int startLine) { prev = t; this.ibex = t.ibex; this.startLine = startLine; } private Template(Ibex ibex) { this.ibex = ibex; } // Methods to apply templates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Applies the template to Box b * @param pboxes a vector of all box parents on which to put $-references * @param ptemplates a vector of the fileNames to recieve private references on the pboxes */ public void apply(Box b) throws JSExn { try { apply(b, null); } catch (IOException e) { b.clear(Box.VISIBLE); b.RECONSTRAIN(); Log.warn(this, e); throw new JSExn(e.toString()); } catch (JSExn e) { b.clear(Box.VISIBLE); b.RECONSTRAIN(); Log.warn(this, e); throw e; } } private static final JS[] callempty = new JS[0]; private void apply(Box b, PerInstantiationScope parentPis) throws JSExn, IOException { if (prev != null) prev.apply(b, null); if (prev2 != null) prev2.apply(b, null); // FIXME this dollar stuff is all wrong if (id != null) parentPis.putDollar(id, b); PerInstantiationScope pis = new PerInstantiationScope(b, ibex, parentPis, staticObject); for(int i=0; i 0)) { switch (JSU.toString(val).charAt(0)) { case '$': val = pis.get(val); if (val == null) throw new JSExn("unknown box id '"+JSU.str(vals[i])+"' referenced in XML attribute"); break; case '.': val = ibex.resolveString(JSU.toString(val).substring(1), false); // FIXME: url case // FIXME: should we be resolving all of these in the XML-parsing code? } } b.putAndTriggerTraps(key, val); } } // XML Parsing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Template buildTemplate(String sourceName, JS s, Ibex ibex) { try { return new TemplateHelper(sourceName, s, ibex).t; } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(Template.class, e); return null; } } /** handles XML parsing; builds a Template tree as it goes */ static final class TemplateHelper extends XML { String sourceName; private int state = STATE_INITIAL; private static final int STATE_INITIAL = 0; private static final int STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE = 1; private static final int STATE_IN_TEMPLATE_NODE = 2; private static final int STATE_IN_META_NODE = 3; private static final JS[] callempty = new JS[0]; StringBuffer static_content = null; int static_content_start = 0; Vec nodeStack = new Vec(); Template t = null; int meta = 0; Ibex ibex; String initial_uri = ""; public TemplateHelper(String sourceName, JS s, Ibex ibex) throws XML.Exn, IOException, JSExn { this.sourceName = sourceName; this.ibex = ibex; InputStream is = JSU.getInputStream(s); Ibex.Blessing b = Ibex.Blessing.getBlessing(s).parent; while(b != null) { if(b.parentkey != null) initial_uri = JSU.toString(b.parentkey) + (initial_uri.equals("") ? "" : "." + initial_uri); b = b.parent; } initial_uri = ""; parse(new InputStreamReader(is)); JS staticScript = parseScript(static_content, static_content_start); t.staticObject = new JS.Obj(); JS staticScope = new PerInstantiationScope(null, ibex, null, t.staticObject); if (staticScript != null) JSU.cloneWithNewGlobalScope(staticScript, staticScope).call(null, callempty); } private JS parseScript(StringBuffer content, int content_start) throws IOException { if (content == null) return null; String contentString = content.toString(); if (contentString.trim().length() > 0) return JSU.fromReader(sourceName, content_start, new StringReader(contentString)); return null; } public void startElement(Tree.Element c) throws XML.Exn { Tree.Attributes a = c.getAttributes(); switch(state) { case STATE_IN_META_NODE: { meta++; return; } case STATE_INITIAL: if (!"ibex".equals(c.getLocalName())) throw new XML.Exn("root element was not ", XML.Exn.SCHEMA, getLine(), getCol()); if (a.attrSize() != 0) throw new XML.Exn("root element must not have attributes", XML.Exn.SCHEMA, getLine(), getCol()); state = STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE; return; case STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE: if ("ibex://meta".equals(c.getUri())) { state = STATE_IN_META_NODE; meta = 0; return; } state = STATE_IN_TEMPLATE_NODE; t = (t == null) ? new Template(ibex) : new Template(t, getLine()); break; case STATE_IN_TEMPLATE_NODE: nodeStack.addElement(t); t = new Template(ibex); break; } // FIXME: This is all wrong if (!("ibex://ui".equals(c.getUri()) && "box".equals(c.getLocalName()))) { String tagname = (c.getUri() == null || "".equals(c.getUri()) ? "" : (c.getUri() + ".")) + c.getLocalName(); // GROSS hack try { // GROSSER hack // t.prev2 = (Template)t.ibex.resolveString(tagname, false).call(null, null, null, null, 9999); if(t.prev2 != null) throw new Error("FIXME: t.prev2 != null"); t.prev2 = ((Ibex.Blessing)t.ibex.resolveString(tagname, false)).getTemplate(); if(t.prev2 == null) throw new Exception("" + tagname + " not found"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(Template.class, e); } } Tree.Prefixes prefixes = c.getPrefixes(); t.urikeys = new String[prefixes.pfxSize()]; t.urivals = new String[prefixes.pfxSize()]; int ii = 0; for (int i=0; i < prefixes.pfxSize(); i++) { String key = prefixes.getPrefixKey(i); String val = prefixes.getPrefixVal(i); if (val.equals("ibex://ui")) continue; if (val.equals("ibex://meta")) continue; t.urikeys[ii] = key; if (val.length() > 0 && val.charAt(0) == '.') val = val.substring(1); t.urivals[ii] = val; ii++; } // FIXME: 2-value Array Basket.Array keys = new Basket.Array(a.attrSize()); Basket.Array vals = new Basket.Array(a.attrSize()); // process attributes into Vecs, dealing with any XML Namespaces in the process ATTR: for (int i=0; i < a.attrSize(); i++) { if (a.getKey(i).equals("id")) { t.id = a.getVal(i).toString().intern(); continue ATTR; } // treat value starting with '.' as resource reference String uri = a.getUri(i); if (uri != null && !uri.equals("")) uri = '.' + uri; keys.add(a.getKey(i)); vals.add((a.getVal(i).startsWith(".") ? uri : "") + a.getVal(i)); } if (keys.size() == 0) return; // sort the attributes lexicographically Basket.Array.sort(keys, vals, new Basket.CompareFunc() { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return ((String)a).compareTo((String)b); } }, 0, keys.size() - 1); t.keys = new JS[keys.size()]; t.vals = new JS[vals.size()]; // convert attributes to appropriate types and intern strings for(int i=0; i 0 && !hasNonNumeral) t.vals[i] = JSU.N(Double.parseDouble((valString))); else t.vals[i] = JSU.S(valString.intern()); // FEATURE: JS.intern() ? } } } public void endElement(Tree.Element c) throws XML.Exn, IOException { switch(state) { case STATE_IN_META_NODE: if (--meta < 0) state = STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE; return; case STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE: return; case STATE_IN_TEMPLATE_NODE: { if (t.content != null) { t.script = parseScript(t.content, t.content_start); t.content = null; } if (nodeStack.size() == 0) { state = STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE; return; } Template oldt = t; t = (Template)nodeStack.lastElement(); nodeStack.setSize(nodeStack.size() - 1); t.children.addElement(oldt); int oldt_lines = getLine() - oldt.startLine; if (t.content == null) t.content = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; oldt_lines > i; i++) t.content.append('\n'); } } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws XML.Exn { for (int i=0; length >i; i++) if (ch[start+i] == '\t') Log.error(Template.class, "tabs are not allowed in Ibex files ("+getLine()+":"+getCol()+")"); switch(state) { case STATE_IN_TEMPLATE_NODE: if (t.content == null) { t.content_start = getLine(); t.content = new StringBuffer(); } t.content.append(ch, start, length); return; case STATE_IN_ROOT_NODE: if (static_content == null) { static_content_start = getLine(); static_content = new StringBuffer(); } static_content.append(ch, start, length); return; } } public void whitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws XML.Exn { } } // FIXME: david, get to work private static class PerInstantiationScope extends JS.Obj { Ibex ibex = null; PerInstantiationScope parentBoxPis = null; JS myStatic = null; JS box; void putDollar(String key, Box target) throws JSExn { if (parentBoxPis != null) parentBoxPis.putDollar(key, target); JS jskey = JSU.S("$" + key); //declare(jskey); sput(jskey, target); } // JS:FIXME: ugly void sput(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { super.put(key,val); } public PerInstantiationScope(JS box, Ibex ibex, PerInstantiationScope parentBoxPis, JS myStatic) { this.parentBoxPis = parentBoxPis; this.ibex = ibex; this.myStatic = myStatic; this.box = box; } public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { if(JSU.isString(key)) { String s = JSU.toString(key); // JS:FIXME This is a hack if (super.get(key) != null) return super.get(key); if (s.equals("ibex")) return ibex; if (s.equals("")) return ibex.get(key); if (s.equals("static")) return myStatic; } // JS:FIXME: This won't work with traps that do blocking operations return box.getAndTriggerTraps(key); } // JS:FIXME: Everything below here should come from js.scope or something public void put(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { if(box != null) box.putAndTriggerTraps(key,val); else super.put(key,val); } public void addTrap(JS key, JS f) throws JSExn { box.addTrap(key,f); } public void delTrap(JS key, JS f) throws JSExn { box.delTrap(key,f); } } }