// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.core; import java.io.*; import org.ibex.js.*; import org.ibex.util.*; import org.ibex.graphics.*; import org.ibex.plat.*; import org.ibex.net.*; import org.ibex.crypto.*; /** Singleton class that provides all functionality in the ibex.* namespace */ public final class Ibex extends JS.Obj implements JS.Cloneable { // FIXME remove this private final JS rr; private static final JS.Method METHOD = new JS.Method(); public Ibex(Fountain rr) { try { this.rr = bless(rr);} catch(JSExn e) { throw new Error("should never happen: " + e); } } public JS resolveString(String str, boolean permitAbsolute) throws JSExn { if (str.indexOf("://") != -1) { if (permitAbsolute) return url2res(str); throw new JSExn("absolute URL " + str + " not permitted here"); } // root-relative //JS ret = (JS)getAndTriggerTraps(""); //FIXME JS ret = rr; while(str.indexOf('.') != -1) { String path = str.substring(0, str.indexOf('.')); str = str.substring(str.indexOf('.') + 1); ret = ret.get(JSU.S(path)); } if (!"".equals(str)) ret = ret.get(JSU.S(str)); return ret; } /** lets us put multi-level get/put/call keys all in the same method */ private class Sub extends JS.Obj { JS key; Sub(JS key) { this.key = key; } public void put(JS key, JS val) throws JSExn { Ibex.this.put(JSU.S(JSU.toString(this.key) + "." + JSU.toString(key)), val); } public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { return Ibex.this.get(JSU.S(JSU.toString(this.key) + "." + JSU.toString(key))); } public JS call(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn { if (method == null) return super.call(null, args); return Ibex.this.call(JSU.S(JSU.toString(this.key) + "." + JSU.toString(method)), args); } } private Cache subCache = new Cache(20, true); private Sub getSub(JS key) { Sub ret = (Sub)subCache.get(key); if (ret == null) subCache.put(key, ret = new Sub(key)); return ret; } public JS get(JS name) throws JSExn { // FIXME: SHouldn't need this (just trap [""]) if (JSU.isString(name) && JSU.toString(name).length() == 0) return rr; // FEATURE: Preprocessor hack to generate specialized JS instances (avoid all this string concatenation) //#switch(JSU.toString(name)) case "math": return ibexMath; case "string": return ibexString; case "date": return METHOD; case "box": return new Box(); case "clone": return METHOD; case "bless": return METHOD; case "regexp": return METHOD; case "ui": return getSub(name); case "ui.font": return getSub(name); case "ui.font.wait": return METHOD; case "ui.font.width": return METHOD; case "ui.font.height": return METHOD; case "ui.font.sansserif": return Main.vera; case "ui.font.monospace": return Main.vera; case "ui.font.serif": return Main.vera; case "ui.browser": return METHOD; case "ui.mouse": return getSub(name); case "ui.mouse.button": if (Surface.button1 && !Surface.button2 && !Surface.button3) return JSU.N(1); else if (!Surface.button1 && Surface.button2 && !Surface.button3) return JSU.N(2); else if (!Surface.button1 && !Surface.button2 && Surface.button3) return JSU.N(3); else return JSU.ZERO; case "ui.key": return getSub(name); case "ui.key.name": return getSub(name); case "ui.key.name.alt": return JSU.S(Platform.altKeyName()); case "ui.key.alt": return Surface.alt ? JSU.T : JSU.F; case "ui.key.control": return Surface.control ? JSU.T : JSU.F; case "ui.key.shift": return Surface.shift ? JSU.T : JSU.F; case "ui.clipboard": return JSU.S((String)Platform.getClipBoard()); case "ui.maxdim": return JSU.N(Short.MAX_VALUE); case "ui.screen": return getSub(name); case "ui.screen.width": return JSU.N(Platform.getScreenWidth()); case "ui.screen.height": return JSU.N(Platform.getScreenHeight()); case "undocumented": return getSub(name); case "undocumented.initialOrigin": return JSU.S(Main.origin); case "undocumented.initialTemplate": return JSU.S(Main.initialTemplate); case "thread": return getSub(name); case "thread.yield": return METHOD; case "thread.sleep": return METHOD; case "stream": return getSub(name); case "stream.homedir": return url2res("file:" + System.getProperty("user.home")); case "stream.tempdir": return url2res("file:" + System.getProperty("java.io.tempdir")); case "stream.watch": return METHOD; case "stream.unzip": return METHOD; case "stream.uncab": return METHOD; case "stream.cache": return METHOD; case "stream.url": return METHOD; case "stream.parse.html": return METHOD; case "stream.parse.xml": return METHOD; case "stream.parse.utf8": return METHOD; case "net": return getSub(name); case "net.rpc": return getSub(name); case "net.rpc.xml": return METHOD; case "net.rpc.soap": return METHOD; case "log": return getSub(name); case "log.debug": return METHOD; case "log.info": return METHOD; case "log.warn": return METHOD; case "log.error": return METHOD; case "crypto": return getSub(name); case "crypto.rsa": return METHOD; case "crypto.md5": return METHOD; case "crypto.sha1": return METHOD; case "crypto.rc4": return METHOD; //#end return null; } public void put(JS name, JS value) throws JSExn { //#switch(JSU.toString(name)) case "thread": Platform.Scheduler.add((Callable)value); return; case "ui.clipboard": Platform.setClipBoard(JSU.toString(value)); return; case "ui.frame": Platform.createSurface((Box)value, true, true); return; case "ui.window": Platform.createSurface((Box)value, false, true); return; case "undocumented.proxyAuthorization": HTTP.Proxy.Authorization.authorization = value.toString(); HTTP.Proxy.Authorization.waitingForUser.release(); return; //#end throw new JSExn("attempted to put unknown property: ibex."+name); } public JS call(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn { try { //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "date": return new JSDate(args); case "net.rpc.soap": return new SOAP( args.length < 1 ? null : JSU.toString(args[0]), "", args.length < 2 ? null : JSU.toString(args[1]), args.length < 3 ? null : JSU.toString(args[2])); // FIXME support object dumping case "log.debug": JSU.debug(args.length < 1 ? "**null**" : JSU.str(args[0])); return null; case "log.info": JSU.info(args.length < 1 ? "**null**" : JSU.str(args[0])); return null; case "log.warn": JSU.warn(args.length < 1 ? "**null**" : JSU.str(args[0])); return null; case "log.error": JSU.error(args.length < 1 ? "**null**" : JSU.str(args[0])); return null; //#end switch (args.length) { case 0: //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "thread.yield": sleep(0); return null; //#end break; case 1: //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "clone": if(args[0] == null) throw new JSExn("can't clone the null value"); return new JS.Clone((JS)args[0]); case "bless": return bless((JS)args[0]); case "ui.browser": Platform.newBrowserWindow(JSU.toString(args[0])); return null; case "stream.unzip": return args[0] == null ? null : new Fountain.Zip((Fountain)args[0]); //case "stream.uncab": return a == null ? null : new Stream.Cab(a); case "stream.cache": //try { return args[0] == null ? null : new Fountain.CachedStream((Stream)args[0], "resources", true); } //catch (Stream.NotCacheableException e) { throw new JSExn("this resource cannot be cached"); } case "stream.url": { String url = JSU.toString(args[0]); if (url.startsWith("http://")) return new Fountain.HTTP(url); else if (url.startsWith("https://")) return new Fountain.HTTP(url); else if (url.startsWith("data:")) return new Fountain.ByteArray(Encode.fromBase64(url.substring(5)), null); else if (url.startsWith("utf8:")) return new Fountain.ByteArray(url.substring(5).getBytes(), null); else if (url.startsWith("file:")) { // FIXME Platform.fileDialog(url.substring(5), false); } throw new JSExn("invalid resource specifier " + url); } case "thread.sleep": sleep(JSU.toInt(args[0])); return null; case "regexp": return new JSRegexp(args[0], null); case "net.rpc.xml": return new XMLRPC(JSU.toString(args[0]), ""); case "crypto.rsa": /* FEATURE */ return null; case "crypto.md5": /* FEATURE */ return null; case "crypto.sha1": /* FEATURE */ return null; case "crypto.rc4": /* FEATURE */ return null; case "stream.parse.html": throw new JSExn("not implemented yet"); //return null; case "stream.parse.xml": if(args[0] == null) return null; new XMLHelper(args[1]).doParse(args[0]); return null; // FIXME backgrounding case "stream.parse.utf8": if(args[0] == null) return null; try { return JSU.S(new String(InputStreamToByteArray.convert(JSU.getInputStream(args[0])))); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(this, e); } //#end break; case 2: //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "stream.watch": final JS func = args[1]; return new Fountain.ProgressWatcher((Fountain)args[0], new Callable() { public Object run(Object o) throws Exception { JS[] args = (JS[])o; return func.call(null, args); } }); case "regexp": return new JSRegexp(args[0], args[1]); //#end case 3: //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "ui.font.height": return JSU.N(Font.getFont(args[0], JSU.toInt(args[1])).textheight(JSU.toString(args[3]))); case "ui.font.wait": throw new Error("FIXME: ibex.ui.font.wait not implemented"); case "ui.font.width": return JSU.N(Font.getFont(args[0], JSU.toInt(args[1])).textwidth(JSU.toString(args[3]))); //#end break; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // FIXME: maybe JSExn should take a second argument, Exception Log.warn(this, "ibex."+method+"() threw: " + e); throw new JSExn("invalid argument for ibex object method "+method+"()"); } throw new JSExn("invalid number of arguments ("+args.length+") for ibex object method "+method+"()"); } public JS url2res(String url) throws JSExn { if (url.startsWith("http://")) return new Fountain.HTTP(url); else if (url.startsWith("https://")) return new Fountain.HTTP(url); else if (url.startsWith("data:")) return new Fountain.ByteArray(Encode.fromBase64(url.substring(5)), null); else if (url.startsWith("utf8:")) return new Fountain.ByteArray(url.substring(5).getBytes(), null); else throw new JSExn("invalid resource specifier " + url); // FIXME support file:// via dialog boxes } public static void sleep(final int i) throws JSExn { try { final Pausable callback = JSU.pause(); // FEATURE use a single sleeper thread new Thread() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(i); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Platform.Scheduler.add(callback); } }.start(); } catch (Pausable.NotPausableException npe) { throw new JSExn("you cannot sleep or yield in the foreground thread"); } } public static final JS ibexMath = new JS.Immutable() { // FEATURE: find a cleaner way to do this private JS gs = /*new JSScope.Global();*/ null; // FIXME: Global scope public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { //#switch(JSU.toString(key)) case "isNaN": return METHOD; case "isFinite": return METHOD; case "NaN": return METHOD; case "Infinity": return METHOD; //#end return JSU.MATH.get(key); } public JS call(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn { //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "isNaN": return gs.call(method, args); case "isFinite": return gs.call(method, args); case "NaN": return gs.call(method, args); case "Infinity": return gs.call(method, args); //#end return JSU.MATH.call(method, args); } }; public static final JS ibexString = new JS.Obj() { private JS gs = /*new JSScope.Global();*/ null; // FIXME: Global scope public JS get(JS key) throws JSExn { //#switch(JSU.toString(key)) case "parseInt": return METHOD; case "parseFloat": return METHOD; case "decodeURI": return METHOD; case "decodeURIComponent": return METHOD; case "encodeURI": return METHOD; case "encodeURIComponent": return METHOD; case "escape": return METHOD; case "unescape": return METHOD; case "fromCharCode": return METHOD; //#end return super.get(key); } public JS callMethod(JS method, JS[] args) throws JSExn { //#switch(JSU.toString(method)) case "parseInt": return gs.call(method, args); case "parseFloat": return gs.call(method, args); case "decodeURI": return gs.call(method, args); case "decodeURIComponent": return gs.call(method, args); case "encodeURI": return gs.call(method, args); case "encodeURIComponent": return gs.call(method, args); case "escape": return gs.call(method, args); case "unescape": return gs.call(method, args); case "fromCharCode": return gs.call(method, args); //#end return super.call(method, args); } }; private class XMLHelper extends XML { private class Wrapper extends XML.Exn { public JSExn wrapee; public Wrapper(JSExn jse) { super(""); wrapee = jse; } } private JS characters, whitespace, endElement, startElement; public XMLHelper(JS b) throws JSExn { super(BUFFER_SIZE, true); startElement = b.getAndTriggerTraps(JSU.S("startElement")); endElement = b.getAndTriggerTraps(JSU.S("endElement")); characters = b.getAndTriggerTraps(JSU.S("characters")); whitespace = b.getAndTriggerTraps(JSU.S("whitespace")); } private final JS[] callargs1= new JS[1], callargs2= new JS[2], callargs3= new JS[3]; public void startElement(Tree.Element c) throws XML.Exn { try { Tree.Attributes a = c.getAttributes(); JS attrs = new JS.Obj(); // FIXME attribute URIs? add an additional hash? for(int i=0; i